Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What's it Worth?

What's it worth to be in the open Dutch door of the Canadian, enjoying the fall colours and the blue and silver consist forward to the power and rearward to the Park car? Priceless.

I've had as many book-related questions about price as I have about content. I've committed to keeping it affordable from the project's inception last October, and I believe I've kept that commitment.

Now that printing and postage costs have been finalized, the price will be:

$25 to Canadian addresses (shipping included)
$29 to US addresses (shipping included)

International customers, please email for price including shipping to your country.

If you order this book (watch for the green blog background - it should be happening soon) I trust that the cost-to-contents ratio equals value to you.

Update: I just received the final proof copy today, including the extra photos. I'm very pleased with the result and trust you will be too.



  1. Until I read the last Expectant Expression of Interest in the list I was going to write:
    "Sounds like a great gift for Karen's 50th this month!!!"

    You know, I might even order a copy!

  2. Well, I don't really think I'd normally think of my wife as a VIAphile. It's not from lack of exposure...she spent a fair amount of time trackside before we got married. Now she thinks she was railroaded! Thanks for your comments,
