1. Can you reserve a copy for me in case you run out? No need - I can have as many copies printed as I require due to the incredibly customer-oriented Bryan Babcock at Allan Graphics. Printing will be kept ahead of the demand.
2. Can you sign my copy? Yes, just email me at mile179kingston@yahoo.ca and I would be pleased to do so, or write me a note on your order form.3. I can't print the order form. What should I do? The order form makes it much easier for me to process your order. But don't tug all your hair out if it's just not working. What I really require is your mailing address, number of copies and method of payment. Unfortunately, Blogger software doesn't support pdf's, so I had to post the flyer and order form as jpg's.
4. Can I pay by PayPal? Unfortunately, I'm not set up for PayPal.5. How can I pay? Canadian customers, cheque or money order. US customers, USPS International Money Order. International customers, please email me for total cost including shipping. If these options don't work for you, email me and we'll try to work something out.
6. Do I pay extra for shipping? No. Prices shown on my blog include free shipping.7. What about the impending Canada Post mail strike? I've suspended outbound deliveries. I'm holding the packaged books until the strike is settled. I don't like the idea of customers' books being lost/misplaced while Canada Post gets its internal house in order. The moment the strike is settles, the copies will go out. I am still receiving orders and packaging them.
8. Can I buy the book at my Local Hobby Shop? So far, I'm handling individual customer orders, and that is keeping me very busy. If you're a customer of an LHS near you, and you'd like them to have the book in stock, simply ask them email me at the above email address - this will likely happen before I contact them. I am offering reasonable dealer terms.
(OK, that's only eight questions, so here are two more of my own.)
9. Is this book affordable and is there value for the money? I believe so, and I trust you will too. I've been committed to making it affordable. No hidden charges, no fluff, no pesky handling fees, and tons of content. I like to call the book "data-dense". I welcome your feedback once you've seen the book - I'll be posting feedback on this blog in the sidebar.
10. Where can I get more pictures like the ones in the book? As always, stop by my other blog, http://tracksidetreasure.blogspot.com/ for a never-ending parade of posts and a plethora of photographs of CN, CP, VIA, and just about anything else on the Canadian railway scene.
Interestingly, no-one has asked too many questions about the content of the book. This may be due to customers reading this blog over the last seven months, and following the process as the book came together. It could also be due to the dearth of information on VIA elsewhere, especially over the entire life of VIA Rail Canada as an entity separate from CN and CP, leading to some pent-up demand for more data and information than is currently available. Regardless of this, I'm pleasantly surprised with the demand so far, and I humbly thank you all, both those who have expressed interest as well as those who have already ordered. Highball!