Recently, I was contacted by Peter Bowen, publisher of the The Roundhouse, the Official Publication of the National Model Railroad Association - British Region. This contact came through Edd Fuller,of the fine The Trackside Photographer blog. Peter kindly shared a review he wrote for The Roundhouse. The review highlights VIA Rail, more specifically Trackside with VIA - Research and Recollections, and the review is reproduced above. I enjoyed seeing Peter's photography in the early VIA era among the review text!
Peter kindly put me in touch with Linda Tinker Railway Books, a bookseller specializing guessed it...railway books!
This incredible series of connections clearly shows the global reach of the internet, of blogs, and the incredible interests of the international fraternity of rail enthusiasts. Even those interested in North American modelling, potentially specifically VIA Rail. I'm especially proud to have this connection with the land of Trevithick, of Brunel and of the Rev. W.W. Awdry. The home of trainspotting!
So, rail enthusiasts in Great Britain can buy copies of my books through the above-mentioned bookseller, on their home soil - that green and pleasant land.