Sunday, February 19, 2012

See you at the show!

I'll be hosting a table at the Kingston Rail-O-Rama, which will be held Saturday March 10 and Sunday March 11 1000-1600 each day, at Kingston's Ambassador Resort Hotel, 1550 Princess Street.  This is a short distance south and west of Kingston's VIA Station, which was the site of much of the information-gathering for my book.  

Today, the trains at the Kingston station are shorter, the locomotives much newer, and most of the cars are not brand new anymore, but are being refurbished for their first, second or third time.

I'll be selling copies of my book at the show, as well as some VIA, CN and CP paper items, plus books from my collection.  If you haven't seen my book in person, this is your chance.  If you'd like to buy a copy, I'll gladly inscribe it for you.  If you just want to stop by and talk trains, or about future VIA projects, that's fine too.

This is my first time as a vendor.  My usual train show technique is make a quick round-the-room, check out some goodies and their prices, then return to selected tables for an in-depth look and make some purchases.  I'm sure this show will feature lots of items for sale, with a good variety of layouts and dealers.

In fact, this will be the first time I've seen the train show premiere of a book and its creator in person.  


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Cross-Canada Reading

The Atlas model railroad forums this week included a message from a modeller who was planning a trip across Canada, looking for both lineside information and something to read while aboard.  Meanwhile, on the viasig Yahoo!group, a group member was wondering what VIA Rail books were currently available.  

In both cases, I humbly suggested Trackside with VIA: The First 35 Years.  Turns out the modeller had already planned on taking a copy of my book on his cross-Canada journey, and has booked a bedroom in the Park car near the dome and the morning muffins.  And the book list compiler soon had suggestions for half a dozen VIA-related books from me.

While train trips can include reading a good book, a newspaper, or dozing (depending on length of the trip), there's nothing like reading something railway-related.  For my next trip on VIA I have some Trains and Railfan & Railroad magazines saved up to read, accompanied by a hot coffee or a cool Sleeman's (depending on the time of day).
